With heart and care

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The Church of Denmark and Lutheran Christianity as an origin for traumas.

As long as we aren't willing to talk about how Lutheran theology, ideology, culture and our national church, also here in Denmark, both historical and today, has been and is an important origin for traumas - and often complex traumas - we have already lost the battle for minimizing the traumatizations in our society.

Core Values (3): Freedom of religion

Everybody should be free to choose what religions they want to support and/or believe in, incl. the right to choose to live a life free from religion.

Belief in freedom of religion and religious equality for all is a very good reason to leave Protestant Christianity and the Danish national church. And it's a really good reason to support a complete separation between state and church.

Anti-theism vs. Anti-harm

My goal isn’t anti-theism, it’s pro autonomy and anti-harm, but if that ends up looking like anti-theism, so be it.

Conference on Religious Trauma 2021

CORT, the Conference On Religious Trauma, was supposed to have taken place for the first time in Vancouver in April last year. However, it ended up being cancelled, due to Coronavirus. Now, CORT is back.

Toxic Faith: Introduction

Maybe it would be a good idea for us to become better acquainted with what kind of ideology, theology and way of thinking we are spending billions of Danish kroner on every year? I mean … it’s a fucking lot of money to spend on something we don’t consider as being important, which can potentially be deeply harmful, and which may go against our own values on several key points.

Core Values (2): Emotional freedom

Preventing or punishing others for showing their emotions is emotional oppression and a form of censorship. No one should be prevented from or punished for showing their emotions, no matter the reason, incl. crying, expressing anger and swearing, as long as it is done in a healthy way and doesn't result in abuse of power, emotional manipulation and/or oppression of others.

With heart and care

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